Friday, June 2, 2017


Hello everyone. It's been a while since the last time I update an article of the same topic. Today I'm feeling a little bit motivated to continue writing somehow. I just made a video to talk about this same topic by the way. This is just an extension to that except by photos and for everyone who loves to read.😇

Everything will be based from G-Shock Japan website however I think I'm going to include some news on other collaboration watches as well to make this article a little more interesting.

This is a screenshot directly from G-Shock Japan site on their new released page

As you guys can already see, we got like 11 piece of totally outstanding and brand new model this month alone. Each have their own motives and targeted to I guess regular consumer and of course collectors.

"They knew we exist" - GHF 2017 😉

Group them as you like, I personally would categorize them into three group which is as listed below. I already cover my thoughts and opinions on them in the G-Vlog series video so in this article, I'll cover some more things I missed.

Now lets get to each of them all over again.

Master Of G in Olive Drab
These are almost similar as last year released except they all comes with a pattern on them. I used to own the GA-1100 model from the same series before and even made an unboxing video about it if you're interested go HERE

  • GA-1100SC-3AJF

This is a twin sensor model and that consists of a ANA-DIGI Compass and Digital Thermometer sensor built in them. From my experience of using this, I find that the compass on this piece is the best and easiest to access however the downside of this piece is that it didn't have the bearing save function that would be really handy in opinion. Regardless, that is not this piece is made to focus for, the main big feature for this piece is the ability for it to display two city time at the same time. This is made possible by using the tiny sub-dial at 9 o'clock position. It is pretty interesting feature since the display is in analog and not in digital as other G-Shock watches.

  • GW-4000SC-3AJF

Next is this version of Gravitymaster, I am not very familiar with piece and I thought this were already out of production and now here it is in a brand new color pattern which is pretty surprising actually. To put in perspective this line was last released back in July of 2014. The price for this piece is 46.440JPY which pretty high but when compared to other Gravitymaster that has the same TRIPLE G RESIST features this is one of the cheapest out of all. The thing I like about this model is how clean the face plate is and the fact it only weigh about 75 grams. It has no sensor built in it though if you're wondering.

  • GPW-2000-3AJF

Where do begin with this new piece. Despite already being released last month, I still haven't got the chance to have a look at it in person actually. I had been very busy making videos and watches stores around my place didn't always update their stock as quick as I hope to. All the chance I have is by looking at Instagram photos of you guys. What I like about this piece is the fully innovative design interior and also electronics in the watch. This is I believe the first model that have a GPS and at the same time Bluetooth function from any G-Shock watches. This will be CASIO 2017 great achievements. Did you notice that Casio will always introduce at least ONE innovative design or technology each and every year?

Mini G-Steel
That not the actual name I believe, I just made it up as I'm writing this article. I should've use this term instead while I was making that video. By the way, I didn't actually planned my video in advance most of the time, they all just spontaneous. That is also why there lots of cuts. Speaking of cuts, seems like Casio had done something to fix this awesome new line-up. The G-Steel was introduce not a while back, despite being a really innovative idea at using normal steel and made them tougher than normal, these fellas didn't get much popularity in my opinion. That is because of the large size due layering of composite and steel structure of this model. I don't know how to explain it but wearing a Big plastic resin G-Shock somehow just feels and looks different than wearing a Big Steel resin G-Shock even though they sized almost the same. This new 90% smaller G-STEEL line-up comes FIVE type to choose from and I'm sure there is one for each of us and I pretty sure there will be more variations incoming soon as well.


I.C.E.R.C. 2017
I did covered quite a bunch already in the videos for these fellas and I bet most of you guys had already did knows about them as well due to how popular this released is. The Rangeman Earthwatch specifically is the most popular choice probably because of the low cost and useful functions. Lots of which could be beaten easily by the new GULFMASTER of course. My opinion might be biased since I like the Gulfmaster line more now. I used to like the Rangeman before, owned every color way that had been released on the market plenty of times so just believe me, I know what I'm talking about. Despite being a low cost triple sensor model, they aren't always going to be that cheap on it's after market value. The demand for this piece is so high and that is the only reason that made the price for a Rangeman would sky rocket to a price so high one could grab TWO quad sensor Gulfmaster. A more practical and way more awesome looking and not too mention way tougher than a Rangeman is. Done debating about these Master of G line. Let move to the simple one, the standard 6900 series. I used to like white color GShock and still keep a few in my collection as a memories of old times, but now not anymore. The only reason is that due to the low re-sell value. This has nothing to do with the technology or overall design and ideas of its released. They are a very great looking piece to be worn but for me, I prefer to put on display in watch closet. Check out my Youtube channel about my watch closet though. 


All of them above are a really really great piece that I wish I just get my hands on right away. But since I currently low on funds I had to make a smart decision on which to get first after the other. My top three pick out of all would be the.

1. Gulfmaster ICERC
2. 2017 Earthwatch Rangeman
3. OD Bluetooth Gravitymaster

After done writing, I just realize I have tons of things to say. Luckily I didn't plan in advance while making the Youtube video or else you guys would be end up watching an hour long of contents. Not like it is a bad thing. It is really good but too time consuming to make. I'm mumbling now, time for me to end this article.

Thanks for visiting everyone 😀

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